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AMT 300 / 400 & AMP 300 Oil Fired Furnaces

AMT 300 / 400 & AMP 300
Series AMT 300 / 400 & AMP 300 Oil Fired Furnaces
Efficient - Reliable - Economic
AMT 300 / 400
  • “Low-Boy” with rear flue configuration.
  • The monobloc design eliminates mechanical joints for airtight configuration.
  • Residential dual-energy qualified when combined with an electrical coil.
  • Efficient : Up to 86.7 % AFUE*
*Some models meet the Energy Star requirements. Please refer to the installation instructions or technical specifications of a specific model for details.
AMP 300
  • Multi-position installation with front flue configuration.
  • The use of a stainless steel combustion chamber makes the Dettson system reliable, sustainable and highly efficient.
  • The monobloc exchanger design eliminates mechanical joints for airtight configuration.
  • Up to 86.3% AFUE.
  • Low speed manual blower switch.
  • 4 speed PSC motor.
  • Designed to adapt an air conditioner or a heat pump.
  • Can be combined with an electrical coil and thus be qualified for residential dual fuel.
Available models
  • AMT 300 (138 000 to 170 000 BTU/h)
  • AMT 400 (215 300 to 297 000 BTU/h)
  • AMP 300 (140,000 to 172,000 BTU/h)

Accessories and controls

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